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by Rebecca Radding

由丽贝卡·拉丁(Rebecca Radding)

“最国际化的微型机构:”两名伦敦训练营毕业生如何与加沙的软件工程师建立远程协作 (“The most international micro-agency:” How two London bootcamp graduates built a remote collaboration with software engineers in Gaza)

创始人计划的第一对参与者乔·弗里尔(Joe Friel)和西蒙·杜普里(Simon Dupree)的访谈,创始人和编码者的社会影响力研究生奖学金 (An interview with Joe Friel and Simon Dupree, the first pair of participants in the Founders Programme, the Founders and Coders social impact graduate fellowship)

When I first sat down with Joe Friel and Simon Dupree to discuss their experience on the Founders Programme, it reminded me of Atul Gawande’s New Yorker piece “,” in which he examines the traditional cowboy role of the doctor and what he considers the more necessary formation of teams around medical issues.

当我第一次与乔·弗里尔(Joe Friel)和西蒙·杜普里(Simon Dupree)坐下来讨论他们在创始人计划中的经历时,它使我想起了阿图尔·加万德(Atul Gawande)在纽约客发表的文章“ 坑人”,他在其中研究了医生在传统牛仔中的角色以及他的工作方式。考虑围绕医疗问题组建更必要的团队。

In a way, Joe and Simon are two cowboys, successful professionals who through their experience working with developers in Gaza, have learned what it takes to join a “pit crew” — to effectively collaborate across geographic, linguistic, and political borders.


什么是创始人计划? (What is the Founders Programme?)

The Founders Programme provided a runway to create a freelance portfolio and the chance to work on socially and environmentally conscious projects with developers in Gaza. It was pretty much an opportunity I couldn’t walk away from!” — Simon Dupree

创始人计划提供了一条创建自由投资组合的途径,并为与加沙的开发人员开展具有社会和环境意识的项目提供了机会。 我几乎不能错过这个机会!” —西蒙·杜普里

Rebecca: What were you doing before , the London-based coding boot camp from which you graduated in October 2018?


Joe: Most recently, I ran a social media marketing business connecting influencers with brands; before that, I worked for a children’s media brand.

乔:最近,我经营一家社交媒体营销业务,将有影响力的人与品牌联系在一起; 在此之前,我曾在儿童媒体品牌工作。

Simon: I was living in Berlin, where I was doing research at the University of Berlin in agronomy and environmental data science.


Rebecca: With such interesting careers, why make the switch to web development?


Joe: All my roles have had a strong digital focus and building things — most recently I oversaw the development of a platform that enables brands to identify, measure and manage influencers — which meant I was spending a lot of time managing digital projects and working with developers. I found this both rewarding and frustrating. Rewarding because it piqued my curiosity about web development, and I started teaching myself to code on the side. Frustrating, because I was relying on people who weren’t necessarily as invested in the ideas as I was, and I just really wanted to be able to build things myself!

乔:我所有的角色都专注于数字化和构建事物-最近,我监督了一个平台的开发,该平台使品牌可以识别,评估和管理影响者-这意味着我花了大量时间来管理数字项目并与之合作。开发人员。 我发现这既有益又令人沮丧。 奖励是因为它激发了我对Web开发的好奇心,因此我开始自学编程。 令人沮丧的是,因为我所依赖的人不一定像我那样投入于创意,所以我真的很想能够自己构建东西!

At the same time, my work was focused on engaging young people, and I saw first hand how the growth of technology — which is, ultimately, morally neutral — was far outpacing regulation. I grew concerned that companies weren’t taking responsibility for their social impact and decided I wanted to work as a developer and focus on projects with a positive social impact. Founders and Coders is an amazing combination of those things, and I was thrilled to be accepted into the programme.

同时,我的工作重点是吸引年轻人,并且亲眼目睹了技术的发展(最终在道义上是中立的)如何远远超过了法规。 我越来越担心公司不承担其社会影响力,因此决定我想成为一名开发人员并专注于对社会产生积极影响的项目。 创始人和编码员是这些东西的绝妙组合,我很高兴被该计划接受。

Simon: Like Joe, I first started coding on the side, in my case, a bit of Python while working with a team of developers on some data science work. I thought to myself, wow, it’s crazy how much freedom developers have in their way of thinking! You just bring them ideas and they can create something from scratch. I wanted to do more of that.

Simon:和Joe一样,我首先是在与一些开发人员一起从事一些数据科学工作的同时,开始编写Python。 我对自己想,哇,开发人员在思考方面有多少自由是疯狂的! 您只要带给他们想法,他们便可以从头开始创建一些东西。 我想做更多的事情。

Rebecca: In your own words, what exactly is the “Founders Programme?”


Simon: The Founders Programme is an opportunity for a pair of graduates from Founders and Coders to collaborate with developers in Gaza (graduates of the Gaza Code Academy) on pro bono projects for nonprofit organisations and social entrepreneurs. The developers earn a small stipend while building a freelance portfolio that provides them with a runway into founding their own agency or social impact startup.

Simon: Founders计划为来自Founders和Coders的一对毕业生提供了一个与加沙的开发人员(加沙代码学院的毕业生)合作开展非营利组织和社会企业家公益项目的机会。 开发人员在建立自由职业者投资组合时将获得少量津贴,这为他们提供了建立自己的代理或社会影响初创公司的途径。

Rebecca: Why did each of you apply to the programme?


Joe: I knew I wanted to use my skills as a developer to make a social impact, but I figured I wouldn’t be able to afford this until I did my time in a commercial company. So when the Founders Programme came along, I seized the opportunity to fast-track my desire to get into impact-oriented work.

乔:我知道我想利用自己作为开发人员的技能来产生社会影响,但是我认为,除非我在一家商业公司工作,否则我负担不起。 因此,在创办者计划启动时,我抓住了机会,快速追踪了我对以影响为导向的工作的渴望。

The Founders Programme is a continuation of client projects that we do on the bootcamp through Tech for Better. I’d been quite involved in getting the clients in, and I was fascinated by the kinds of problems these nonprofits and social entrepreneurs brought into the space.

创办人计划是我们通过Tech for Better在新兵训练营进行的客户项目的延续。 我一直非常热衷于吸引客户,这些非营利组织和社会企业家给这个领域带来的种种问题让我着迷。

Simon: I’ve long dreamed of having the freedom to work independently, so throughout the course, I’d been wrestling with the question of whether to take a full-time job or pursue a career as a freelancer. When I met some people from previous cohorts who shared their successful experiences with freelancing, I knew that was what I wanted to do.

西蒙:我一直梦想着拥有独立工作的自由,因此在整个课程中,我一直在思考是否要从事全职工作或从事自由职业者的问题。 当我遇到以前的一些人,他们分享了他们在自由职业方面的成功经验时,我知道那是我想要做的。

乔和西蒙合作 (Joe and Simon team up)

“Someone asked me the other day if I would have done this with many other people, and I said probably not. With a learning curve this steep, you need a partner you can trust with your life!” — Simon Dupree

“有一天,有人问我是否会和很多其他人一起做,我可能不会。 学习曲线如此陡峭,您需要一个值得您信赖的伴侣!” —西蒙·杜普里

Rebecca: When did you realise you wanted to work together?


Joe: If you still get on pairing when someone using a German keyboard, it’s a good sign you’re pretty good at pairing together!


When we both got into the programme, though we applied individually, we made it pretty clear we wanted to work together. We even worked on our applications together. Because of our feedback, Founders and Coders has tweaked the programme and people now apply as pairs.

当我们俩都参加该计划时,尽管我们是单独申请的,但我们很清楚地表明我们希望一起工作。 我们甚至一起开发应用程序。 由于我们的反馈,创始人和编码者对程序进行了调整,现在人们可以成对申请。

Simon: Someone asked me the other day if I would have done this with many other people, and I said probably not. With a learning curve this steep, you need a partner you can trust with your life!

西蒙:前几天有人问我是否可以和很多其他人一起做,我可能没有。 如此陡峭的学习曲线,需要您可以信赖的伴侣!

Joe: Yeah. The Founders and Coders experience was already intense. There were 16 of us in a very hot room (the infamous summer of 2018!) constantly learning all these new things, building things together, nervous about getting a job, and uncertain what we were doing with our lives! Then with the Founders Programme, it was down to the two of us, working remotely with developers in Gaza. Safe to say, from the start it was important for me to know we’d get on with each other.

乔:是的。 创始人和编码员的经验已经很丰富。 我们当中有16个人在一个非常热的房间里(2018年臭名昭著的夏天!)不断学习所有这些新事物,共同构建事物,对找工作感到紧张,并且不确定我们在生活中在做什么! 然后通过创始人计划,这取决于我们两个人,与加沙的开发人员进行远程合作。 可以肯定地说,从一开始,对我来说重要的是要知道我们将彼此相处。

Rebecca: So how did you make it work?


Simon: For starters, we’ve become good friends and have interests in common apart from coding. It’s important to have something else to talk about: in our case, we both produce music on the side.

Simon :对于初学者来说,我们已经成为好朋友,除了编码之外,对共同还有兴趣。 重要的是要谈论其他事情:就我们而言,我们俩都在一边制作音乐。

We’re also roughly on the same technical level. Though we have different strengths and weaknesses, we figure things out together. In my experience, if your coding partner is way more advanced, it doesn’t work as well.

我们也大致处于相同的技术水平。 尽管我们有不同的优势和劣势,但我们会共同解决问题。 以我的经验,如果您的编码合作伙伴更高级,那么它也不起作用。

Joe: To be honest, we’ve had our conflicts. But even the few times we got stressed, we were good at reading each other and giving each other space.

乔:老实说,我们发生了冲突。 但是即使有几次我们感到压力,我们也善于互相阅读并给予彼此空间。

Simon: At the beginning, there was a bit of FOMO (fear of missing out), where we felt like we had to understand every part of everything. But at some point this became less important, which was helpful. Both of us got better at strategizing where to put our energy, so we could work a bit more independently while still being able to pair. So, gradually, things have gotten less intense.

西蒙:刚开始的时候,有一些FOMO(害怕错过),我们觉得我们必须了解所有内容。 但是在某些时候这变得不那么重要了,这很有帮助。 我们俩都更好地制定了将精力放在何处的战略,因此我们可以在保持结对的同时更加独立地工作。 因此,逐渐地,事情变得不那么激烈了。

坑船员 (The Pit Crew)

“It quickly became clear that as a remote team we would live or die by our adherence to agile processes.” — Joe Friel

“很快就清楚了,作为一个远程团队,我们将因坚持敏捷流程而生存或死亡。” —乔·弗里尔

Rebecca: Tell me about what you’ve called the “dual mission of the Founders Programme.”


Joe: Well, the first part is about providing solutions for nonprofits that wouldn’t otherwise have the resources to access digital service development.


The second part is about providing employment opportunities for developers in Gaza. It’s hard enough finding good freelance work in London, but it’s unimaginably difficult when you’re working remotely from Gaza. It’s about getting London developers comfortable with working with Gazan developers not as an outsourcing pool but as collaborators.

第二部分是为加沙的开发商提供就业机会。 在伦敦很难找到优秀的自由职业者,但是当您从加沙远程工作时,这是难以想象的困难。 这是要使伦敦开发人员能够与加沙开发人员合作,而不是作为外包池,而是作为合作者。

Simon: I also hope that the Founders Programme strengthens the ties between Founders and Coders and Gaza Sky Geeks. Unless you’re one of the few mentors who’s been out there, the Gaza Code Academy is this cool thing on a slideshow. The amazing thing about the Founders Programme is that we’ve had the opportunity to make friends with people in Gaza, even though we haven’t physically travelled to Gaza.

西蒙:我也希望创始人计划能加强创始人与编码员和加沙天空极客之间的联系。 除非您是去过那里的为数不多的导师之一,否则加沙密码学院是幻灯片放映中最酷的事情。 创办人计划的惊人之处在于,即使我们没有亲自前往加沙,我们也有机会与加沙的人结识。

Joe: Don’t get us wrong, we’d love to visit, and we’re hoping to do so soon. But these remote relationships are important in their own right.

乔:别误会我们,我们很乐意参观,我们希望尽快这样做。 但是这些远程关系本身就很重要。

Rebecca: Tell me more about working on remote teams with developers in Gaza. What was the setup during the Founders Programme?

丽贝卡:告诉我更多有关与加沙的开发人员合作的远程团队的信息。 创办人计划期间的设置是什么?

Simon: We worked in teams of four, so on each project Joe and I worked with a different pair of developers in Gaza. Over the course of four client projects, we worked with Ramy, Asala, Haneen, Ismail and Marwa. It has been a real journey — exciting and fruitful, at times overwhelming and always intense. The process of establishing a well-rounded remote workflow wasn’t always easy, but we’ve learned a lot.

西蒙:我们是四人一组,所以在每个项目中,乔和我都与加沙的另一对开发人员一起工作。 在四个客户项目的过程中,我们与Ramy,Asala,Haneen,Ismail和Marwa合作。 这是一次真实的旅程-令人兴奋和富有成果,有时不堪重负,而且总是很激烈。 建立完善的远程工作流程并不总是那么容易,但是我们学到了很多。

Rebecca: What are the most important lessons you’ve learned so far?


Joe: Number one, processes are SO important. We learned best practices during the bootcamp — agile, writing proper GitHub issues, scrum. But it’s easy to fall into paying lip service to best practices when the person you’re working with is right there across the laptop and you know them well, having already worked together for three months.

乔:第一,流程非常重要。 我们在训练营中学习了最佳实践-敏捷,编写适当的GitHub问题,scrum。 但是,如果与您一起工作的人就在笔记本电脑对面,并且您已经很好地了解了他们,并且已经一起工作了三个月,就很容易陷入对最佳做法的口头服务。

On our remote team, we not only work different hours (there’s a two-hour time difference between London and Gaza) but also on different days of the week (they work Sun-Thurs instead of our Mon-Fri). So there’s two days a week when we don’t overlap. And then we have a language barrier. Their English is amazing, but we still have misunderstandings.

在我们的远程团队中,我们不仅工作时间不同(伦敦和加沙地带之间有两个小时的时差),而且在一周中的不同日期工作(他们在周日至周四而不是周一至周五工作)。 因此,每周有两天不重叠。 然后我们有语言障碍。 他们的英语很棒,但我们仍有误解。

It quickly became clear that, as a remote team, we would live or die by our adherence to agile processes.


Simon: We learned the hard way during our first project. We didn’t track our processes well enough, didn’t plan out the scope very well, didn’t use GitHub to plan the project properly, and so on. We also didn’t plan enough time to get to know the Gazan developers before meeting the client together. Making time to get to know each other is such an important part and beneficial for a harmonious workflow.

西蒙:在第一个项目中,我们学习了艰难的方法。 我们没有很好地跟踪我们的流程,没有很好地规划范围,没有使用GitHub正确地规划项目,等等。 我们也没有计划足够的时间在与客户见面之前认识加沙的开发人员。 花时间互相了解是非常重要的部分,对于和谐的工作流程非常有用。

Joe: It’s interesting. I was just looking at our Tech for Better student projects, and noticed how sporadically we used labels and how infrequently we wrote out full issues. Under those circumstances, it was absolutely fine. But if we did the same thing with our partners in Gaza, I wouldn’t know what Ramy was doing on Sunday, so I could end up working on the same code; or I’d be stalled because Ramy wouldn’t be sure what was okay to work on and couldn’t get ahold of us.

乔:很有趣。 我当时只是在看我们的Tech for Better学生项目,并且注意到我们偶尔使用标签以及不经常写下完整的问题。 在这种情况下,绝对可以。 但是,如果我们与加沙的合作伙伴一起做同样的事情,我将不知道拉米周日在做什么,因此我最终可能会使用相同的代码。 否则我会因为拉米(Ramy)无法确定可以进行哪些工作而无法了解我们而陷入僵局。

Needless to say, freelancing with a remote team has turned us into massive advocates of agile process.


Simon: Sometimes agile is taken as a way to make things user-centered and product owner-centered, which is certainly important, but we learned that agile processes are just as important for the team as they are for the users. Agile involves everyone on the team and provides each of us with roles. It’s a ball that bounces back and forth.

Simon:有时候,敏捷被视为使事物以用户为中心,以产品所有者为中心的方式,这固然重要,但我们了解到,敏捷流程对团队和对用户同样重要。 敏捷涉及团队中的每个人,并为我们每个人提供角色。 它是一个来回弹跳的球。

Rebecca: Walk me through the most important parts of your current processes.

丽贝卡(Rebecca) :引导我完成当前流程中最重要的部分。

Simon: If we’re working with a new pair, we make time for all of the developers to get to know each other. Then we define the user stories into discrete problems that people can work on independently.

西蒙:如果我们正在与一对新人合作,我们将为所有开发人员腾出时间互相了解。 然后,我们将用户案例定义为人们可以独立处理的离散问题。

Joe: We have daily standups in person via Google Hangouts from Monday to Thursday, which goes a long way towards developing a personal relationship with the developers in Gaza. We realised quickly that even with great processes, things still go wrong, so you need to have a basis for trust, so people don’t take mistakes personally. The developers in Gaza feel like the “remote” ones for the client, and can fear they are missing out on some conversations and worry they aren’t aware of something.

乔:我们从周一到周四每天都会通过Google环聊亲自站起来,这对于与加沙的开发者建立个人关系大有帮助。 我们很快意识到,即使流程非常好,事情仍然会出错,因此您需要有信任的基础,因此人们不会亲自犯错误。 加沙的开发人员感觉像是客户的“远程”开发人员,他们会担心他们错过了一些对话,并担心他们没有意识到。

On one of our projects, for example, the product owner kept changing the scope, and our partners in Gaza thought we might be more aware of what was going on, but actually we didn’t know either! It’s totally understandable they could think we’re having more conversations with the client that we’re actually having. The onus is very much on us to ensure that all those conversations are minuted in GitHub so they don’t worry they are missing out.

例如,在我们的一个项目中,产品负责人不断更改范围,而我们在加沙的合作伙伴认为我们可能会更清楚发生了什么,但实际上我们都不知道! 他们可以认为我们正在与客户进行更多的对话,这是完全可以理解的。 确保将所有这些对话记录在GitHub上是我们的责任,因此他们不必担心会错过它们。

Simon: Big takeaway: a lack of communication just absolutely kills the project.


最国际化的微型机构 (The most international micro-agency)

“It’s so important that we can all speak frankly, so you know you’re coming to a final decision as a team, and everyone is bought in.” — Simon Dupree
“我们所有人都可以坦率地说,这很重要,因此您知道您将要成为一个团队的最终决定,所有人都会被接纳。” —西蒙·杜普里

Rebecca: Tell me about the developers you’re working with in Gaza.

丽贝卡(Rebecca) :告诉我您在加沙工作的开发人员。

Joe: Ramy Shurafa is a graduate of the Gaza Code Academy who previously studied and worked in civil engineering and GIS.

乔:拉米·舒拉法(Ramy Shurafa)毕业于加沙编码学院,此前曾在土木工程和GIS领域学习和工作。

Simon: Ramy is just a better developer than we are! He lives for the code and is super smart, so he’s really good at thinking through the backend and the database work. But even this doesn’t do him justice because he can really teach himself anything.

西蒙:拉米是比我们更好的开发商! 他为代码而活并且非常聪明,因此他非常善于思考后端和数据库工作。 但这甚至不能使他伸张正义,因为他真的可以自学任何东西。

Joe: And, importantly, he teaches us too! Pretty much whenever Simon or I hit a problem, Ramy is there to help us out and find the solution.

乔:而且,重要的是,他也教我们! 每当Simon或我遇到问题时,Ramy都会在那里帮助我们并找到解决方案。

Simon: Also, what’s great is that as we’ve all gotten to know each other — we’ve worked together for almost half a year now — we’ve become much better at true collaboration in the running of projects. It’s so important that we can all speak frankly, so you know you’re coming to a final decision as a team, and everyone is bought in.

Simon:而且,最棒的是,由于我们彼此之间已经认识了近一半(我们已经合作了半年),我们在项目运行中的真正协作方面已经变得更加出色。 我们所有人都可以坦诚发言非常重要,因此您知道您将作为一个团队做出最终决定,所有人都被认可。

Joe: Asala, who actually just recently got a full-time job, is only twenty and one of the youngest people to go through the bootcamp. She’s got a great eye for design and pairs well with Ramy. This is also important because, in a remote team, if people aren’t pairing together when they can, things can quickly become far too siloed, with only one person understanding a certain part of the codebase.

乔:阿萨拉(Asala)最近才刚获得一份全职工作,他只有20岁,是参加训练营的最年轻的人之一。 她对设计有很好的了解,并且与Ramy结对。 这一点也很重要,因为在远程团队中,如果人们没有在可能的情况下结伴在一起,那么事情很快就会变得过于孤立,只有一个人能理解代码库的特定部分。

Rebecca: Switching gears, tell me a bit about the products you built on the Founders Programme.

丽贝卡(Rebecca):换档,告诉我一些有关您在Founders Programme上构建的产品的信息。

Simon: We built three apps: , an app that aims to help students reflect on their emotions and work out what’s affecting them at school; , a connector for people offering support and individuals looking for support; and , a mobile app that allows easily to share survey forms with course participants and to collect results.

西蒙:我们开发了三个应用程序: ,该应用程序旨在帮助学生反思自己的情绪并弄清哪些因素会影响他们在学校的学习; ,一个为提供支持的人们和寻求支持的个人提供的连接器; 和 ,这是一个移动应用程序,可让轻松地与课程参与者共享调查表并收集结果。

Rebecca: What would you say was the most important lesson to come out of this process?


Joe: One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that it’s so important to agree to a narrow scope and stick to it. With one of our projects, our product owner was so enthusiastic that we got really invested in the project, which led us to agree to too many features, and before we knew it, we had a bloated project.

乔:我学到的最大的经验之一就是,同意一个狭窄的范围并坚持下去是如此重要。 在我们的一个项目中,我们的产品所有者非常热情,以至于我们真正地对该项目进行了投资,这使我们同意了太多的功能,并且在我们不知道它之前,我们就拥有了一个肿的项目。

We’ve also learned how important it is to make sure the client (or “product owner”) buys into the process of scoping and sticking to it! You have to sort of sell the process by telling the client, “We want to make sure we achieve for you what we agreed. If we add more things you may not get the functionality you want.”

我们还了解了确保客户(或“产品负责人”)参与范围界定并坚持下去的重要性! 您必须通过告诉客户“我们要确保我们为您实现了我们达成的目标。 如果我们添加更多内容,您可能无法获得所需的功能。”

The last project we scoped really well and we were positive and firm, so our client understood the reasoning. It really showed us just how important experience is. It’s hard to be firm when you don’t have firsthand experience.

我们上一个项目的范围非常好,而且我们积极而坚定,因此我们的客户理解了原因。 它确实向我们展示了经验的重要性。 没有第一手经验时,很难确定。

Simon: It’s also been interesting to note how having to pay for something changes people’s behavior. On the Founders Programme, the product owners weren’t paying, so they might not have fully understood the consequences of changing the scope. On the other hand, it made it easy to be honest. On the final Founders Programme project, for example, we were building a chatbot, which we had never done before, and it was okay to admit that.

西蒙:有趣的是,必须支付一定的费用才能改变人们的行为。 在创始人计划中,产品所有者没有付款,因此他们可能不完全了解更改范围的后果。 另一方面,说实话很容易。 例如,在最后的Founders Program项目中,我们正在构建一个聊天机器人,这是我们以前从未做过的,可以接受。

The project we’re currently on is a paid project, and you can clearly see how money changes behavior. Our client checks our daily standup logs, which affects the process and makes it even more important to have a consistent team process in place.

我们目前正在进行的项目是一个付费项目,您可以清楚地看到金钱如何改变行为。 我们的客户会检查我们的每日站立日志,这会影响流程,因此,保持一致的团队流程就显得尤为重要。

Rebecca: You guys were literally the “founders” of the Founders Programme. How did your experience inform the next iteration of the programme?

丽贝卡:你们从字面上看是创始人计划的“创始人”。 您的经验如何为该计划的下一次迭代提供信息?

Simon: In addition to people applying in pairs, as mentioned earlier, for the next pair the Founders Programme will last a bit longer. We realised pretty quickly that two projects over two months does not provide much of a runway for building a freelance practice, so now it’s three projects in three months.

西蒙:除了前面提到的成对申请的人以外,对于下一对结对者,创办人计划将持续更长的时间。 我们很快就意识到,两个月来的两个项目并没有为建立自由职业者提供很大的帮助,所以现在三个月内的三个项目。

Joe: We’ve also documented the whole process to create an initial handbook. We realised how important the initial “set-up” before each project is. It’s so easy to just think about the app you’re looking to build. But to make the process go as smoothly as possible, there are so many things you need to do — setting up the channels of communication, building a team rapport, giving yourself time to build a pipeline. We made a lot of mistakes! But hopefully that means the next pair are now equipped to do better. And in turn they can iterate on the handbook, and on and on.

乔:我们还记录了创建初始手册的整个过程。 我们意识到在每个项目之前进行初始“设置”的重要性。 考虑要构建的应用程序非常容易。 但是要使流程尽可能顺利进行,您需要做很多事情-建立沟通渠道,建立团队融洽关系,给自己时间建立管道。 我们犯了很多错误! 但是希望这意味着下一对现在可以做得更好。 然后,他们可以依次反复阅读手册。

We’ll also be around, hopefully, to be of help in any way they like. Helping each other out is core to the ethos of Founders and Coders, so it’s important to keep that in the Founders programme too.

希望我们也能以他们喜欢的任何方式提供帮助。 相互帮助是Founders和Coders精神的核心,因此将其保留在Founders计划中也很重要。

Rebecca: What’s next for the two of you?


Simon: As you know, we recently founded Yalla Cooperative. We’re a collective of freelance web developers across the UK, Gaza and Germany. Currently our team consists of Joe, Michael, Ramy, Asala and myself — we all went through either Founders and Coders or the Gaza Code Academy. We’re hoping to be able to take on more projects so we can establish our agency and bring more work to Gaza! I’m positive that we’ll be able to spin off further micro-agencies such as Yalla that work remotely, diversifying tech and facilitating personal empowerment.

西蒙:如您所知,我们最近成立了Yalla合作社。 我们是英国,加沙和德国的自由网络开发人员的集合。 目前,我们的团队由Joe,Michael,Ramy,Asala和我本人组成-我们所有人都经历过创始人和编码员或加沙编码学院。 我们希望能够承担更多的项目,以便我们可以建立代理机构并为加沙带来更多工作! 我很肯定我们将能够剥离更多的微机构,例如Yalla,这些机构可以远程工作,使技术多样化并促进个人授权。

Joe: Yeah, covering UK, Gaza and Germany we like to think of ourselves as the most international micro agency out there! Actually, we just delivered our first paid-for project for a leading UK charity called , and excitingly one of our Founders projects just secured funding off the back of the app we developed for them, so we will be working on that too. It’s kind of amazing — if you’d said that a few months after finishing the bootcamp we’d be doing paid work for our own digital agency, we probably would have laughed!

乔:是的,服务范围覆盖英国,加沙和德国,我们想将自己视为那里最国际化的微型代理商! 实际上,我们刚刚为一家领先的英国慈善机构交付了第一个付费项目,令人兴奋的是,我们的Founders项目之一刚刚从我们为其开发的应用程序的支持下获得了资金,因此我们也将为此而努力。 真是太神奇了-如果您说在完成新手训练营几个月后,我们将为自己的数字代理商做有偿工作,我们可能会大笑!

Funding for the Founders Programme is generously provided by .


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要了解有关您的组织如何与Joe和Simon等开发人员一起工作的更多信息,请访问 。




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